The best tools to fight inflation

August 5, 2010
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Not that any of them are all that great. The hot air balloon above is inflating. Get it? Get it?! Sorry. I’m tired. There are only so many ways our government can eliminate the deficit and eventually pay off its gigantic debt. The least painful—and the one federal officials were desperately hoping for when they [...]

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Keeping up with the Joneses impacts your giving, health, and happiness

July 30, 2010
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That is, if the Joneses haven’t already been foreclosed upon. The Joneses are those folks with the nice house, big cars, kids in private schools, and other detritus of suburban bling that are, in fact, financed and not true indicators of wealth. “Keeping up” with them would no doubt put you in debt, as was [...]

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Should you care if your bank is unstable?

July 27, 2010
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Jimmy Stewart is dead. There’s a great scene in It’s a Wonderful Life when the bank of the protagonist, Jimmy Stewart, suffers a bank run. Fearing that Stewart’s bank might be going under, many of its customers come running, asking to withdraw all their savings, lest they be the ones left holding the bag when [...]

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“New Normal” math: How your investing plans must change

July 23, 2010
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So, when can we start calling it the “old normal”? Stocks have gone nowhere in ten years. Not even dividends have made it better. Sure, you might have had a bit of a gain if you stuck your money in emerging markets at the right time or gold or any of the other asset classes [...]

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How to prepare for a double-dip recession

July 20, 2010
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Or what’s going to feel like a double-dip anyway. Don’t read too much into that. I’m not making a prediction. But there are plenty of people who are. Nouriel Roubini, that guy who just happened to predict the first financial collapse, says it’s likely we’ll have a double dip, in which GDP drops again after [...]

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Earn more money. It matters more than everything else combined.

July 16, 2010
Thumbnail image for Earn more money. It matters more than everything else combined.

Little tweaks vs. titanic decisions I enjoy personal finance blogs a lot. Admittedly, some of the time, what they cover can get a bit redundant. A lot redundant. Mind-numbingly redundant. But hey, the best personal finance advice is timeless. It’s the clever repackaging that makes or breaks someone new who steps into the field. But [...]

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Does being smart make you better with money?

July 13, 2010
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Oscar Wilde died broke, why not you? Ok, bad example. Wilde was an extremely gifted poet and playwright, but he had a lot of personal problems confounding him before his death. This post is about a question that’s a little more clear cut than that: Does being smart make you better with money? Yeah, it’s [...]

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Foreign bonds: Do you need them?

July 10, 2010
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Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. A decade ago, there were few options for investing in foreign bonds that didn’t cost a bundle. Even today, you’re going to have a lot of trouble investing in foreign bonds directly. But the options for investing through mutual funds and ETFs, either with active or passive [...]

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When will you die?

July 5, 2010
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More important: How long can you afford to live? Imagine living to the age of 122. That’s the oldest recorded age of a human, achieved by frenchwoman Jeanne Calment. Calment died in 1997. Just last week, scientists claimed to have discovered genetic markers that can predict, with 77% accuracy, who’s destined for extremely long life. [...]

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Where did your time go? Here’s an actual breakdown.

June 24, 2010
Thumbnail image for Where did your time go? Here’s an actual breakdown.

You probably watched T.V. A lot of T.V. Sometimes I’m not totally sure why the government tracks all the things it tracks. Private universities get funding to study all sorts of strange issues, but it’s really the Labor Department that has incredible repositories of data, some of which never even get seen unless an economist [...]

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