Guest post: The risks of buy-and-hold investing

May 3, 2010
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Or, “How Pop enraged some of his readers.” This is a guest post by Rob Bennett, who writes about value investing at But let’s get real, that kind of standard introduction isn’t enough for somebody the likes of Rob. In fact, I’m fairly sure a certain number of you spit out your morning coffee [...]

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How the placebo effect goes beyond medicine

April 27, 2010
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Why expensive wine tastes better I like wine, but I won’t pretend I’m anything of a connoisseur. I can barely tell the difference between different kinds of wine, let alone vintages and vineyards. There’s no way I could tell the difference between a $15 bottle and a $100 bottle. But apparently, if I’m like most [...]

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Do this, and you’ll already be a better-than-average investor

April 24, 2010
Thumbnail image for Do this, and you’ll already be a better-than-average investor

This post is not about index funds. This might be the last time I remind you: If you haven’t done it already, fill out my reader survey for a chance to win one of two $10 gift cards to I’ll e-mail the winners after the deadline (11:59 PM on 4/26/2010). Good luck! Yeah, from [...]

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The perils of imperfect information

April 21, 2010
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Welcome visitors from the Carnival of Personal Finance at Studenomics! Hope you enjoy the post. Remember to subscribe if you like what you see! What you don’t know can cost you money. First, thanks to everyone who’s filled out my reader survey so far. I really appreciate the response. Since I’m all about incentives, I’m [...]

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Why your New Year’s resolution probably failed

April 16, 2010
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Maybe you didn’t have a big enough carrot. Or strong enough stick. If you made a resolution to lose weight this January, by now, that gym you signed a contract with is probably laughing all the way to the bank. You’re not alone. More than 88% of resolutions end in failure according to psychologist Richard [...]

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Why do we work so much?

April 10, 2010
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Hello Frugal Dad visitors! I’m flattered you stopped by. I’d be even more happy if you came by on your own! Here are a few reasons why you should:   1. This ain’t your typical personal finance blog. I don’t often tackle the basics of a Roth IRA or how to choose a money market [...]

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Welcome to Pope Economics

April 2, 2010
Thumbnail image for Welcome to Pope Economics

It’s a Good Friday indeed. If you view this in RSS or e-mail, you’d be remiss not to head over to the actual site for once today. The Holy See welcomes you to the relaunch of, henceforth known at We’re making a lot of changes around here and hope you appreciate the site’s [...]

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Why you couldn’t make money from the healthcare bill

March 28, 2010
Thumbnail image for Why you couldn’t make money from the healthcare bill

Hello Consumerism Commentary visitors! I’m glad I was able to write a guest post for Flexo. I’d be even more happy if you came by on your own! Here are a few reasons why you should:   1. This ain’t your typical personal finance blog. I don’t often tackle the basics of a Roth IRA [...]

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Equity-indexed annuities: Rip-off or bad rap?

March 23, 2010
Thumbnail image for Equity-indexed annuities: Rip-off or bad rap?

You can’t fit a square peg into a round hole. Ragging on equity-indexed annuities is a favorite pastime of the media, financial advisers, and state attorneys-general all over the place. The reason is pretty clear. Ever since equity-indexed annuities were invented, unscrupulous salesmen have pushed the worst versions of them onto seniors who don’t understand [...]

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What comes down must go up

March 18, 2010
Thumbnail image for What comes down must go up

Is the man in the banner controlling your mind? This post is partly about the Federal Reserve. I didn’t put that in the headline, because I at least wanted you to get to the first line of the story before falling asleep. By now, I hope you’re committed enough that you’ll read on. That’s called [...]

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