So when does active management beat passive investing?

March 16, 2010
Thumbnail image for So when <em>does</em> active management beat passive investing?

If you’re visiting from the Carnival of Personal Finance at the Amateur Asset Allocator, welcome! I’m really glad you’re here. Be sure to check out my post on gold bugs and subscribe if you like what you see. Hey, even Tyson got KO’d eventually. In 2009, actively managed funds clobbered their indexes, according to Standard [...]

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The problem with gold bugs

March 13, 2010
Thumbnail image for The problem with gold bugs

Hello Get Rich Slowly visitors! I’m flattered J.D. sent you over. I’d be even more happy if you came by on your own! Here are a few reasons why you should:   1. This ain’t your typical personal finance blog. I don’t often tackle the basics of a Roth IRA or how to choose a [...]

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The difference between a good expert and a bad expert

March 10, 2010
Thumbnail image for The difference between a good expert and a bad expert

If you’re visiting from the Carnival of Personal Finance at Being Frugal, welcome! I’m really glad you’re here. Be sure to check out my most recent post on gold bugs and subscribe if you like what you see. Who should you listen to for financial advice? I’ve read a few stories and blog posts lately [...]

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Lessons for you and me from Warren Buffett’s annual letter

March 1, 2010
Thumbnail image for Lessons for you and me from Warren Buffett’s annual letter

Hello Simple Dollar visitors! Thanks for stopping by. I’m really glad Trent brought you here, but I’d be even more honored if you stopped by on your own from time to time. Here are three reasons you should:   1. This ain’t your typical personal finance blog. I don’t often tackle the basics of a [...]

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The 4% rule and other fallacies of retirement planning

February 24, 2010
Thumbnail image for The 4% rule and other fallacies of retirement planning

There’s a reason it’s called a retirement plan. When you go to a financial planner or try out a quickie retirement calculator, it’ll often come back with a result that reads something like “Sticking to this allocation and savings plan, you’ll have a 90% chance of meeting your retirement needs.” A good financial planner will [...]

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How who you are affects what you make

February 19, 2010
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Or, why the Army gets away with low salaries. If you’re visiting from MSN’s Smart Spending blog, welcome! I’m really glad you’re here. Pop Economics is all about making complex money topics fun and interesting, and there’s no better way to keep up with our content (and killer artwork) than by subscribing! You can also [...]

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Resistance is futile: Why buy-and-hold beats value investing

February 16, 2010
Thumbnail image for Resistance is futile: Why buy-and-hold beats value investing

Hello Consumerism Commentary visitors! I’m glad I was able to write a guest post for Flexo. I’d be even more happy if you came by on your own! Here are a few reasons why you should:   1. This ain’t your typical personal finance blog. I don’t often tackle the basics of a Roth IRA [...]

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What I’ll tell my kids about the Great Recession

February 11, 2010
Thumbnail image for What I’ll tell my kids about the Great Recession

If you’re visiting from the Carnival of Personal Finance at Len Penzo, welcome! I’m really glad you’re here. Remember to subscribe if you like what you see! Sometimes we forget we just lived through history. Or I should say, sometimes we forget we’re living through it now. I read a post on Get Rich Slowly [...]

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The anatomy of a sucker

February 9, 2010
Thumbnail image for The anatomy of a sucker

Or, why smart people fall for stupid cons Hello, Simple Dollar and Weakonomics readers! I’m really glad you’re here. Enjoy your look around and take a look at my most recent post on buy-and-hold investing after you’re through reading this one. Remember to subscribe if you like what you see! Sometimes, it mystifies me that [...]

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Why do mutual fund managers fail?

February 7, 2010
Thumbnail image for Why do mutual fund managers fail?

It’s hard to be a fund manager. Sorry the second post of the week is coming a bit late. One of the benefits of committing to a pretty light publishing schedule is that I’m really only going to write when I’m inspired by something. No filler posts. No rants. That’s my motto. Anyway, Standard & [...]

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